Saturday, February 27, 2010

Share Pictures!

Hello, i just wanted to share a few pictures i took a few days ago on a hike. Be-u-ta-ful veiw! Well hope you enjoyed them!


Open Book: Jacky!

Open Book: Painting a smile with many creative words, Beauty can be simple. Well today during my reading of my A.S Bookclub book i found two really good quotes, the first isn't really my normal poetic or realistic thinking quote, but i still really like it! Though the secound is more of the realistic thinking stuff i like too. Here they are!

Title: Bloody Jack: Curse of the Blue Tattoo (Book 2)
Author: L.A Meyer
Page: 190
Said by: Maudie
"Jacky, never, ever, trust a drunk."

Page: end of 202-203
Said By: Jacky Faber
"We're allowed to do anything in this world until someone says we ain't allowed and that someone can back it up."

(Laughed at them both - BOstan)

Tsunami Relief

(Getting ready! lots of water!)

(It was starting to drain, can you see the mud?)

(Getting stonger)

(Here at 11:58 the pull was very strong!)

(THes pictures go by the time of the local news - by 12 it was starting to slow down. but during 11:40 it was pretty rough. Normally this area of coconut island is very calm and the bridge seen in the left side of the picture is suppose to be 10 feet high and at times it was almost drained!)

Here in Hawaii we have a sigh of relief. At 11 am a Tsunami wave was suppose to hit the sides of all the islands, but none came. At around 11:35 -ish their were more signs that the waves were going to hit by the signs of suction in the water and very strong currents but as the hours past and nothing happened it is more safe to say that nothing is going to happen for the present. Although their were a few very insane people swimming and surfing in the waters during the high alarm. All i got to say to that is "Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!". In the morning a few alarms went off and evacuation went very well, all coastal areas were vacated and people moved to safely. Exciting for most. As a local area in Hawaii that would take most of the fire during the surge was being more active we all thought that it would happen, but it didn't. In the 60's the town was destroyed by tidal waves generated by a 9. something earthquake in Chile. It is sort of ironic that we should had faced that reoccurring historic event again. I use to hear a few story's from my grandmother of that Tsunami when i was really little. Well Some of the pictures are not great since they are just from the t.v but if you look hard you can see the water being pulled into the sea and how easily it could have been another Tsunami coming. Well Chile is having a lot of aftershocks, i think around 56, and even one of those could be powerful enough to generate another Tsunami. After shocks can last for days and anyone of them can generate another wave or waves. One that could possibly hit, so the islands are not fully clear yet. Also i hear that a lot of other areas were on alert for a possible Tsunami, though all not exactly for sure. I am a little disappointed but also relieved. As i have probably said, mixed feelings. I sort of feel OK to feel disappointed because i have never seen a Tsunami before and was sort of interested in seeing one. And it was not something to dangerous because we had hours of preparation for it and every town close to the shores was evacuated. Like most have said a ghost town. The city in Oahu, Honolulu was bare and it would not have been strange to see tumble weeds rolling around the streets. Well if anything happens and i still have power i will be back and typing away on my old key board,

Thanks BOstan

THat is the other thing for other places on the islands that would not have been hit they probably would have faced electricity loss and possible human waste back up. Not a pretty site. Earlier this morning the stores and gas stations were packed, crazy with busy people trying to be prepared.


Wow so much damage, its so sad. My heart again goes out to everyone there, it makes what almost happend here seem so pittiful. Well i hope things get straigtend up and get better, i know they will even if it doesn't feel like it will now. Well i think the death tole is around 214 and rising. Wow and they had a 8.8 earth quake, not as big as their 1960's earthquake which was around 9. something but that still is way up there! I know that before the two biggest topics in the news was first, the earthquake in Chile and then the Tsunami warning in Hawaii. Well just as the pictures from the BBC Web site indicate Chile has taken a lot of damage, but i don't think it is as bad as in Haiti. Their structures in Chile were built different and even though i think it was bad it wasn't as bad as in Haiti. I think the amazing thing that shows a lot of power that an earthquake has with its suddenness is how it can just tear a road and street right in two. So powerful! We all must admit that and thanks for reading,


Well the Hawaiian islands are on alert for a Tsunami that may hit them all at 11am. The last one hitting the big island was way disastrous. I hope this time it is less horrible or nothing at all. The Earth quake that hit Chile was actually a 8.8. and that is much bigger than i had previously said it was at 8.3.
Well more later,

Reminder for the week

Reminder Reminder - The 39 Steps (Based on a novel) part 1 is coming on tonight the Saturday 27 or tomorrow Sunday 28 (the last day in the month). Appearing on PBS Masterpiece Classic hosted by Laura Linney. Click the picture on the side for a link and more info. (Check your local listings for the exact time and day)

Don't miss it, it will be my first time seeing it.

New News!!

Its about 10 Pm right now and i just got the news that their where two major earthquakes. One in Chile and the other in Japan. I don't know much but the Chile earthquake was around 8.3 (much more than the earthquake in Haiti) and the Japan one was around 7. I hope it wasn't to much damaging, but i know they are never good. ( A few weeks ago we just has a really really tiny one and it was just alarming because of all the earthquake talk lately, nothing bad happened most people didn't even know their was one, but it was nerve racking none the less.) Well i think for some people right now Chile's earth quake is a bit more alarming because it might generate enough force to create a tsunami around a few islands. It's just a bit scary, a lot of places are due for a horrible event and it just might happen. We'll i still hope nothing comes of it, but if it does i hope people stay safe.
Thanks Bostan~