Rating, 4/5
Characters, 4/5
Story, 4/5
I just finished this book last night, and i was very happy with it. When i first picked it up i was not totally excited, but then i got really into it. I think Beth Mayall did a great job!
The story starts with Amy and her family (Younger and annoying brat for a sister Mel, loving but totally in her own world Mom, and the worst stepfather in the world Tom) are going to the coast for a little summer vacation. They are staying in the local motel that her aunt runs. After a long summer weekend of harsh fights and hanging out at the pool with a boy named Dylan, she convinces her mom to let her stay all summer. Finally she is free and is trying to find a job on the boardwalk, but getting one at the Mermaid Park far from the board walk. Although her dream job turns out to be picking up trash she is in it for the long run and is determined not to give up and to show them the real Amy. Amy learns to grow and excepts nothings ever going to be perfect, but that she is strong inside to do anything that she sets her mind on. Through a long summer of unforgettable memory's, a love who might or might not be as she expects, a dark and hidden secret uncovered, and friends made slowly but nicely, summer at mermaid park is the best.
Beth Mayall pants a nice picture of a girl, and all of struggles that come with the territory.