Monday, September 7, 2009


I have to give my thanks to Laura's Reviews for awarding me the Literary Blogger Award for energizing & inspiring reading. Thank you and i am very happy to be given an award from a blog that i really enjoy reading myself.

So thank you very much again,
Personally BOstan

Open Book From another computer: Pride and Prejudice

Open book Painting a smile with words as big as the truth itself.
I love Love this quote, i really don't know why but i love using it as much as i can. It is short but it must be good because in all of the Pride and Prejudice movies i have seen i have heard it in it.

Title: Pride and prejudice
Author: Jane Austen
Chapter (because of the different size of the book and pages): 11

"My good opinion once lost is lost forever."

Your Quote finder


It is so nice to be on vacation!! Or at least take a little while off from reality. I think just this little time of freeness is good for all the pressure. That's why i have to take a vac every few months or I'll blow up. It doesn't need to be a long or expensive getaway but just even a little alone time.
Well i bring this up because i might be a little slow on my posting but when i come back to reality i hope to catch up on all that i missed.

Sincerely BOstan~