Friday, December 25, 2009

Open Book: Simply Beastly!

Open Book: Painting a smile with words. Quotes can be cute, ugly, and strange.
I liked these quotes because some made me think and some made me laughsmile.

Title: Beastly
Author: Alex Flinn
Page: 23-24
"A beautiful thing is precious, no matter the price. Those who do not know how to see the precious things in life will never be happy."

Page: 104
"I wondered if maybe being ugly made me smarter. Will said that when a person is blind, the other senses - like hearing and smell - grow stronger to compensate. Could i be getting smarter to compensate for my hideousness?"

Page: 126
"Being ugly is a kind of prison."



The Results are in, and MAC. has WON with PC one vote away. I have wondered and now i have been satisfied. I have a better answer than what my sister says is her opinion " i like Mac because it sounds like a lipstick."

Congratulations Mac!!!!!!, and almost to PC.

Thanks to those who voted~

Cute Site~

I found this site on another site and i thought it has some really really cute animal pics. Love it! Tell me what you think. Even the mice look adorable! Come on you have to admit that~that is cute!

Loving adorable animals all over the world~


So exciting, yesterday at around 3 pm, my sister gave birth to a little boy!!! So now in my family we have three nephews. So excited!!! I don't think new Born's are adorable or cute at first at all, but once they get some character and older they get cuter. Because to me at first they just don't at all look cute, so i don't say they are until they really become cute.
The Love of an aunt~

Canging again

Well i did it again, so in your personal opinion what do you think about this lay out? I thought it sort of fit for my blog, but what do you think? Your thoughts would come in handy.

Thanks BOstan~