Title: Doctor who The Slitheen Excursion
Author: Simon Guerrier
Pages: 237
Science Fiction (BBC)
Basic Rating: 3/5
Characters: 3/5
Story line: 2/5
Cover: 3/5
What i say about it: We'll i have to say this book was not my favorite yet. It was good and i liked it but it didn't make me love it like the other Doctor who books did and do. The characters were good, the doctor brilliant as always, and the aliens and other main characters were made good. I just wish the doctor was more of the story than June, a random girl. The story line i really liked at first, but as i went on it sort of lost its appeal to me. Still good, but not were i would have gone with it. But i loved the ending, i thought it took a twist and answered the mystery, it made the story make sense.
Plot: June is not ready to leave touring Athene's yet. She's been there for a while now and still feels like somethings missing or somethings not yet scene. About to leave a mysterious man the Doctor takes her into his little blue box promising to take her to see something she hasn't and couldn't otherwise. He takes her to 1500BC Greece, and at once nothing is truly right. There they should be in a golden age but instead are living in mortal fear of the gods who come to visit their kingdom bringing them gifts and food and destruction.
But June and the Doctor know they are not gods at all but aliens. But why are they here? and what are they doing here?
The Doctor and June take up the job to find out if everything going on is a big mistake and things are suppose to take this turn or somethings really messing up history.
Slitheen Excursions brings back a nasty enemy and a horrible resort for alien tourists.
Alien's find the resort perfectly wonderful; food, tours of past lands, primitive planet customs, gladiatorial games, and hunts that involve killing humans for pleasure.
The Doctor and June must try to get rid of the unwanted guest or maybe face human extinction..
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11 years ago