Friday, April 17, 2009

The Next Doctor Who

Written by Russell T Davies and Phil Ford this episode follows after The Planet of the Dead. It should be broad casted in the UK around a Novemberish date.

Plot: On the surface of Mars, the Doctor is plunged into a horrifying, life-threatening race against time to save his own life and those of his companions.

Season 1, episode 2...............Primeval

Recap: It was good; funny and had a good story line.

Season 1, Episode 3............(Scifi)

Next Episode (3)

Plot: Swimming pools, inner-city reservoirs, and flooded cellars in suburban home's are being over taken with marine creatures such as Mosasaurs and Hesperonis. An ancient sea monster attacks two lifeguards in a municipal swimming pool, then a mother makes a terrifying discovery when her utility room starts to flood. Cutter is forced to brave the icy waters to find his wife.
