Characters: 3/5
Story: 5/5
Cover: 3/5
Title: Doctor who; The Last Dodo
Author: Jacqueline Rayner
Pages: 247
I was thinking how they were gonna bring in the Dodo and keep it always part of the main story line and the author did just that. It was brilliantly constructed. And i can't believe i am saying this, for a science fiction novel it had some good facts, Mixed of course with humor. As always i got punked, i had a totally different subject for the villain but i was so horribly wrong. The characters were very good. The Doctor and Martha were very real and the Museums curator was very detailed in her side. Some of the other characters were not so much in the book so i can't name every other characters right off hand but the main people and animals i can. The plot is based mostly on extinction and as you read you really feel bad for animals. Ones that are endangered, extinct, and the ones in cadges.
I really liked this book and it is one of my favorite Doctor Who Books that i have read yet.
The Doctor wants to take Martha some where special, but she can't figure out where. What would you do if the whole universe was open up to you? That is exactly the situation she is in. After some thought she suggests a visit to see the Dodo, not in a Museum, not in captivity, but before humans invaded and they were happily off and in their own lush territory. But that is not exactly were they end off, they do see a Dodo but in the Museum Of The Last Ones. The only job of the museum is to capture and preserve in suspended animation the last of every species. And that is were Eve, the museum's curator come into play. She makes it her special interest to find out and preserve one out of every species.
But she has a problem.... some one or something is stealing the Earth sections exhibits. So the Doctor and Martha Hop on the case, but how long can the Doctor keep his secret that he is the last of his kind?