This tale is about a young boy named Peter, who is 9 years old.
He lives with his wonderful parents, turtle named Dribble, and the tiny terror of a little brother, Fudge. Every one thinks Fudge is so sweet, and adorable, but that is all a lie. Fudge doesn't mean for it to be like that, but he can't stop himself, And peter is always in second place. When a stranger meets him, it is all good, but once they meet his little brother, it is just as well as they forget all about him. Fudge has a horrible attitude, but still his mother spoils him silly. Year after year it is the same, opportunity getting past by him to Fudge, and how many times can he get in trouble for doing something or another that Fudge did, but his mother is to busy babying him to notice.
Can Peter handle being in second place any longer or will he explode?
This book is very good and for kids that have siblings you can really understand. I am some what older now and i still enjoy this book and the rest of the series. My brother really likes the books also and it is a shocker because he is not into reading many books.
Judy Bloom had let us for years enjoy her talent of telling story's, from kid books now and then to adult and teen novels. I suggest this book to any one with kids or without them, but it is more likely that you read this book with them.
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