Sunday, December 20, 2009

Love At First Click

Title: Love at first Click
Author: Elizabeth Chandler
Pages: 185
Basic Rating: 4/5
Plot: 4/5
Characters: 4/5
Cover: I really like the cover, i think its sweet and photography.

My Thoughts: Well let me say that i really loved this book. It was easy to read and so much fun to read, i don't mind reading it over and over again. It is short and that is the only thing that i am not so happy with but i loved it none the less. It is a Love-ish story Young Adult book, but it is comical too. I had both chicken skin and lots of laughing out loud. I love how Elizabeth Chandler wrote it and i love her style of writing. The dialogue was very good, and she through in a lot of funny lines. I really liked the plot, i am not into some YA books because of maybe the main character or because of the love triangle or the love interest or the corny way they fall for each other, but i really thought this was thought out well. It wasn't so hard to guess what was going to happen, but i was totally surprised by what happened at the end and some secrets in the book. Also it was a clean book and i really like that, i hate when their is a lot of swearing in it and a lot of sexual senses and if i might say so, this book was very cool to not have it in it. And last but not least i really like the characters they were real and believable and i think people like that, and also i think i can relate to the main character Hayley and her situation. She is not really the popular one, but her sister is and all the guys go for her. I know how it feels, and i guess the book gave me a little hope. :)

Plot: Theirs no denying it, she colors ever time she sees him. Theirs something about Flynn that drives Hayley crazy, and as she finds out its not only because he's beautiful on the outside but because he's sort of beautiful on the inside too. Well since she is the photographer of the school news paper theirs always time for plenty of close ups, and though he's cute she's not in love, its just a little thing she calls a "camera crush". Everything's just fine to stay the ways it has always been, but when he starts taking an interest in her sister, things go way to far, and the more she learns about him and the more easier it feels to talk to him shes in danger of falling for her sisters boyfriend.


Tell me what you think??? I want to know