Monday, March 30, 2009

The Ransom Of Mercy Carther, By Caroline B. Cooney

Rating, 5/5
Story, 4/5
Characters, 4/5
This book is sooo good, i have to tell everyone that it is a book that you must read. It is very well written and a masterpiece.
The story starts off in 1704 Deerfield, Massachusetts and the Indians from Canada have travelled all the way there to destroy, pillage and kidnap . For some mysterious reason they have come to do all those things and many die that night and on the long journey back to Canada.
Mercy Carter is just 11 but has taken care of her family and raised baby's when her stepmama could not. She is torn to pieces when her Deerfield is destroyed and when some family members never make it to see first light. All she has is her surviving family but when her captor does not even let her have that she may never know if her brothers live or die. The journey to Canada is long and dangerous, even with a few friends available coldness and hatred fill the prisoners hearts.
When her Indian takes her to a Indian french town Kahnawake, Ransom is still fresh and alive in her mind, but as time goes on will that aspect disappear, and really who is the enemy, The french? The Indians? Or your own guilty pleasure?
Mercy is such a wonderful character and she expresses real feelings that you would feel.
Read it, BOStan~


  1. The UMD video info I posted on my blog is not a game. It's the first three Doctor Who Series 4 episodes in full on a mini disc that can be watched on PSPs. You can buy the episodes on DVD as well. Anyway - have you seen the teaser trailer for Planet of the Dead - go to, go to news, find the latest post and click on the link below.

    Bigwhofan - The Ultimate Doctor Who Site

  2. Re: Torchwood in the shadows audio: I don't read them - as i'm not a major fan of Torchwood itself. Doctor Who and SJA is my thing!



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