Monday, December 15, 2008


This book is the unfinished work of Jane Austen. She only wrote eleven chapters, while writing this book she got fatally ill and died before her work was completed.
The rest of this book was then later finished by another women.
In my opinion, this story was very well followed by Miss. Jane Austen's plot and her way of writing, being not very easy to do.
The story is in the 1700th century England county side where we are brought into an accident, which tangles the lives of a Miss. Charlotte Heywood.
She accepts the invitation of a couple that her family had helped, to a new beach resort, Sanditon. Their it is where she meets many new people fashionable, vulgar, dysfunctional, and every body else. Right before her eyes a scandal is beginning to be uncovered, she cannot but feel somethings going on.
When she meets Miss. Clara, she is altogether interested, but somehow they never get to be really friends just acquaintances.The other characters make the story up also, like Sir Edward, a very distracting influence and particular over possessive. Lady Denham, who takes in her relative Clara. The Parker's, a dysfunctional family, although they somehow work absolutely, perfectly, and strangely together. Sidney Parker, the biggest charmer, and schemer, to his poor friend who comes off, having many problems and in such a sad case. Charlotte is absolutely thrilled and confused through, her good sense and high propriety, that unwillingly bashes with Sidney's willful ways, Clara comes off as a threat to many, and Charlotte's irritations with many people including Sir Edward, makes this a book of example and of human nature.
Fighting the heart is impossible, but wining once indulged in can be the best insensible reaction possible.

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Tell me what you think??? I want to know