Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Smart Boys & Fast Girls

Title: Smart boys & Fast girls

Author: Stephie Davis

Pages: 178

Basic Rating: 3/5

Story: 3/5

Characters: 3/5

Cover: 2/5 (OK but i don't get it)

My Recommendation: To those who like quicker reads and Young Adult books

My Thoughts: I really liked it, it was very cute. It is a good quicker beach read of a 178 pages. The story is being told by the character Natalie Page, I think Natalie is a cool character, she is a super jock trying to get ahead but also really down to earth and sometimes very confused. She is just having some problems like any normal or not so normal teenage girl. She can't live up to the expectations of her parents, she feels like she is loosing her best friends, every boy looks at her like a boy and buddy, she's failing math, and might loose her chance at being apart of her running team - which is her whole life. Matt (another character) is super annoyingly-funny-cute and is a great character in the book. Some of the book has been done before, but i enjoyed and loved reading it.

Plot: Natalie Page has had enough, she is sick of her friend bailing on her, sick of all the boys loving her as a buddy and pale, sick of being alone when all her friend are together and with their boyfriends. Natalie makes the varsity cross country team and suddenly every one needs her, and that's also when suddenly she needs a tutor. Her grades are going down so fast that before she's even in on the team she is threatened to be out. So many things are crashing down on her, she needs to start to be taken seriously as girl and a good runner. She gets a tutor, he's so annoying and to make things worse he hates jocks. Sure hes kinda cute but he thinks she's stupid. So why did she tell her parents she was dating him? Can Natalie get her grades up? Its her last chance.


  1. Sounds good, but it is not my type of book... I am glad you liked it!

  2. It was good, but yeah i sort of guessed its not your sort of book. It was good anyways.


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